Unfortunately, in some situations a termite infestation is unavoidable. However, there certain things in your yard or home that could be attracting termites. Below are three things that could be contributing to your termite problem. If you are in need of a termite inspection in West Palm Beach, contact us today!

The Pile of Wood in Your Yard

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to keep excess piles of wood around their homes, either from recent landscaping or for firewood. This may seem harmless, however, excess wood in your yard could be attracting termites to your yard. If possible, keep firewood and woodpiles at least 20 feet away from your home.


Moisture Is A Beacon

Moisture is a major attraction for termites. They love water sources and Florida’s humidity creates plenty of moisture for them to feast upon. Without it, they would die. Keeping your home a low-moisture environment is crucial. Dehumidifiers and your exhaust fans will make a big difference.

clogged gutters and termites

Clogged Gutters in Your Home

In order to properly prevent termites from entering your home, it’s essential to keep your gutters clean. Termites are attracted to moisture, and clogged gutters often create an unnecessary body of water around your home.

Cracks In Your Foundation

Cracks in your home’s foundation and in the walls are attractive to the average termite. They love to find little nooks and crannies to climb into and make a home. Each season, do a quick inspection around the home to locate any new cracks and fill immediately. Even better, one of our exterminator experts can routinely check for you. They know all the tricky places that termites look for.


Mulch is a commonly used around homes for landscaping purposes. However, mulch retains moisture which attracts termites. Also, termites see mulch as a food source. In order to not attract termites into your home with mulch, try to keep mulch a minimum of 15 inches from the foundation of your home.

Who can help me with a Termite Inspection in West Palm Beach ?

Roofing Issues

While many believe that termites tend to hit low on the home, that isn’t true. If you have made your foundation virtually impossible for them to get in, they will look up. As long as your roof is intact, free of cracks, and isn’t made of wood you should be okay. However, seasonal checkups from one of our termite experts should keep you up to date on roof care.

Are You in Need of a Termite Inspection in West Palm Beach?

If you think your home might have termites, it’s time to call for termite control in West Palm Beach. Contact the experts at Florida Environmental Pest Management to take care of your home. Getting rid of termites early on can save you money and your home.